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Published monthly by the West Side Church of Christ

“A drop in the bucket”  - Isaiah 40:15

“A thorn in the side”  -  II Corinthians 12:7

“Forbidden fruit” - Genesis 2:17

“Eat, drink, and be merry” - Luke 12:19

“The powers that be” - Romans 13:1

“The handwriting on the wall” - Daniel 5

“Holier than thou” - Isaiah 65:5

“Woe is me!” - Isaiah 6:5

“Like a lamb to the slaughter” - Isaiah 53:7

“Throwing pearls before swine” - Matthew 7:6

“Fire and brimstone” - Genesis 19:24

“Can a leopard change its spots?” - Jeremiah 13:23

“The skin of our teeth” - Job 19:20

“A land flowing with milk and honey” - Exodus 3:8

“Feet of clay” - Daniel 2:23f

“Salt of the earth” - Matthew 5:13

“Spare the rod, spoil the child” - Proverbs 13:24

“The sweat of your brow” - Genesis 3:19

“Better to give than receive”  - Acts 20:35

“Nothing new under the sun” - Ecclesiastes 1:9

“Let who is without sin cast the first stone” - John 8:7

Increase your vocabulary.  Read the BIBLE!

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